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12/11/2013 17:50 published by Leo33 (unknown) in / / United Kingdom - #-20131211-542


The Israel–Egypt barrier (or Israel–Egypt border fence; Project name: Sand Timer, Hebrew: שעון החול‎, Sha'on HaHol) refers to a border barrier built by Israel along sections of its border with Egypt. It was originally an attempt to curb the influx of illegal migrants from African countries. However, following increased terrorist penetration of its southern border in 2011, Israel upgraded the steel barrier project to include cameras, radar and motion detectors. In January 2013, construction of the barrier was completed in its main section.[1]

A number of countries, including the United States and India, have sent delegations to Israel to study border security and the various technologies used by the IDF to secure Israel's borders, including the Israel–Egypt border. Some of these countries may implement these technologies as part of their own border fences.

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